Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BatMan Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham Asylum is a fantastic fun filled game that has you on the edge of your seat. This game is an action stealth game. When your playing the game you actually feel like your Batman. You have a choice between taking out your enemies silently or jumping right into the fight.

Batman starts off basic as in any game. You immediately get a batarang to throw at enemies and threatening objects. Later, you can obtain new gear, such as the bat claw, explosive gel spray, a grappling hook and a cable device. If you are wondering what an explosive gel spray is used for it is used to paint a bat symbol on a surface, which can then be detonated to take out an enemy or take down a weak wall. And you’ll also earn upgrades for all your gear, which can be used to make Batman’s armor better, throw multiple batarangs at a time and turn the explosive gel into a proximity mine. Remember Batman is a detective and your job is to fight crime, and make sure everything is OK. Batman is given a scanner called detective mode which scans bodies to find out the status if they are deceased or unconscious. The scanner can see people through walls and also tell you what weapon they are armed with. The scanner is not just to scan people but it is used to find evidence. Yes evidence. For instance you can find hand prints or pipe tobacco and track other instances of the item to find a character or clear an objective. There are many cool combo attacks and moves, so be creative. Carefully timed shots, dodges and even weapons used makes for better XP. Enemies get harder each level and have better attacks. The whole point of the game is basically tracking down main bosses. As we all know the 1st main boss that you have to track down is the joker which is the final boss. There are many other bosses some big, some small, tricky, disgusting or mysterious. Batman Arkham Asylum is worth the challenge. Game play (9.1) Graphics (8.9) audio (9.5) overall (9.1).

Dantes Inferno

Hey everyone, if you are into challenging, horrific, and frustrating games, Dantes Inferno is the game for you.

Dantes Inferno is a tale about a guy in search of his dream girl, Beatrice. You have to fight your way through nine circles of hell to save her. You battle an onsloughter of creatures to obtain the girl. There are genormous bosses that can put up a good fight. The weapon you are given is a sycthe. The sycthe is used for mele combat. You get to upgrade your sycthe by earning points. Then you can chose a special combo of your choice to brutally defeat your nemisis. You dont just get a sycthe, but you also get Beatrice's holy crosses which fire a blessed blast of several crosses. As you keep on defeating more and more creatures you release souls that serve as the games currency. Souls can also be obtained from fountains. They are located all over the map. To regain your health you look for fountains with a green liquid. Go up to it and rapidly press the button it tells you to press, and it should replenish your health. You also get Mana which is sorcery, in other words magic. To replenish Mana you go up to fountains with purple liquid. You rapidly press the button you are told to press and your mana is restored. Dantes Inferno is an extremely graphic game. It conatains: extreme nudity Strong language ,suggestive themes and a imaginative depiction of hell. The rating of Dantes Inferno was 8.5 for gameplay, 8.4 sound, 8.5 replay, 9 grapics, and 8.6 for controls.